Great Harvest Bread of South Jordan

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Whole Grains Vs Refined/Enriched Grains  - Great Harvest Bread of South Jordan

Posted on Jul 25th 2017


Whole Grains Vs Refined/Enriched Grains - Great Harvest Bread of South Jordan

At Great Harvest Bread of South Jordan, we’re proud to say that our breads are made using only whole grain wheat flour, freshly ground and completely natural, but what’s the difference between whole grain and other types of grain?

What are Whole Grains?

Grains are considered to be "whole" as long as they have all parts of the kernel: the bran, the endosperm, and the germ. The bran is the outer protective skin, the endosperm is the kernel's food supply, and the germ is the reproductive embryo that has the potential to germinate and grow into a new seed. When whole grains are milled, all of these parts of the kernel and their nutrients stay intact.

whole wheat bread

What are Refined and Enriched Grains?

When refined grains are milled, they are stripped of the bran, the germ and their nutrients, leaving only the endosperm. This gives them a longer shelf life and a smooth texture. Enriched grains have nutrients that have been lost during processing and then added back after milling. Enriched grains can also be fortified, meaning nutrients that are not naturally occurring are also added. Most refined grains are enriched as well.

Great Harvest Bread of South Jordan Bread

Why Use Whole Grain?

Both refined and enriched grains lack fiber and important vitamins and nutrients. Whole grains are packed with fiber, protein, vitamins, and antioxidants. They take longer to digest, so they leave you feeling more full and satisfied. There can also be multiple health benefits to eating whole grains more often than processed grains, such as possible reduced risk of heart disease and lowered cholesterol.

Great Harvest Bread of South Jordan Whole Wheat

Great Harvest Bread of South Jordan Fresh Whole Wheat Breads

At Great Harvest Bread of South Jordan, we believe in making our bread the freshest and healthiest it can possibly be, which is why we use 100% whole grain over refined or enriched grain. Contact us today to learn more about our whole wheat sandwich catering and box lunch offers!

Great Harvest Bread of South Jordan Catering