Great Harvest Bread of Taylorsville

News & Updates

Great Harvest Bread of Taylorsville COVID-19 Update

Posted on Mar 20th 2020

In light of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, Great Harvest Breads in Taylorsville is working hard to keep our customers and employees healthy. We are following strict sanitation guidelines and practicing social distancing to ensure the health and safety of our community.

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How to Have a Healthy Diet This Summer - Great Harvest Bread of Taylorsville

Posted on May 15th 2019

Summer is quickly approaching, and while you may be looking forward to the lazy days and barbecue invitations, it may be difficult to adjust your diet for summertime after acclimating to your winter and spring habits. Here are some tips on how to have a healthy diet this summer, brought to you by your favorite healthy restaurants in Great Harvest Bread of Taylorsville.

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Favorite Healthy Breakfast Ideas - Great Harvest Bread of Taylorsville

Posted on Apr 21st 2019

Breakfast can be one of the most difficult meals to make time for at all, let alone something healthy and nutritious. Sometimes, it’s all you can do to grab a quick bowl of sugary cereal or a high-calorie granola bar on your way out the door, and no one could say they blame you for growing tired and frustrated with the same old unsatisfying options that leave you hungry halfway through the morning anyways. But don’t resign yourself to the mentality that a well-balanced morning meal is unachievable for someone with a busy morning schedule. In fact, the opposite is true! You’d be surprised by how little effort a healthier breakfast that leaves you feeling fuller for longer takes. Here are some of our favorite ideas for a healthy breakfast, from your favorite healthy restaurants in Taylorsville.

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The Benefits of Eating a Nutritious Breakfast - Great Harvest Bread of Taylorsville

Posted on Mar 22nd 2019

Breakfast is often described as the most important meal of the day, but tend not to give it the attention it deserves. How many times in the week can we find ourselves rushing through our morning routines to end up hurriedly downing a high-calorie alternative as we rush out the door or bypassing it all together? All the hype around eating breakfast isn't something to ignore, however; the first and truly most important meal of the day has multiple reasons to be taken seriously. Here are some of the biggest benefits of eating a nutritious breakfast, brought to you by our breakfast catering services in Taylorsville.

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